Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Potty Training - The Adventure Begins...Maybe.

So, people have been pushing us to start potty-training the twins. Let me point out that they are 21 months at this moment. They will be 22 months old on February 8th. My original goal was to have them potty-trained by age 2. My sister-in-law bought the girls a potty chair a couple of months before the baby was born when they were still only about 14 months old in an attempt to get them started. Since then, we have introduced them to the potty chair, allowed them to play around it, coerced them to sit on it whenever they want to... etc. They have each successfully pottied on the potty quite a few times. Gabby much more than Belle. As a matter of fact, this morning as hubby put a clean diaper on Gabby just after they woke up, she tried pulling it off and pointed toward the bathroom. I told hubby I thought she was trying to tell him something, so he brought her to the potty-- and viola! She went. So they may or may not be completely ready.

But I have struggled with the concept of being ready myself to deal with potty training two at once. I keep imagining running to the bathroom withone child or another every 5 minutes, taking up ANY free time we manage to carve out of our busy lives. Hubby and I, though excited about the idea of not buying diapers anymore for our twins, may not yet be committed to the idea of working so hard, yet. But then, I think we may be cheating our daughters and ourselves by not letting them get an early start to wearing cool Barbie or Elmo underwear and get them out of those darnned daper-rash causing pieces of paper. So what do we do?

Back to my obsession with Googling. I managed to find a page dedicated to twin parenting called whose focus for today (not sure if it changes daily or what) was potty training twins. Since I am not famailiar with the site, I am not sure how often the content changes, or if the links will change as the content changes. If not, you can find the article here. Anyway, my point is that I am not nuts for feeling the way I feel-- obviously, many twin parents have the same problems I do with commitment. Sheesh, it sounds like I am talking marriage... I'm only talking underwear here, people.

Oh well. I'm sure I'll keep you up to date on all of the potty happenings at my house as we continue with the saga...


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