Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Electronics and Those Pesky Little Logistics

Thanks to a totally erratic and undependable daycare provider, I have missed the last two days of work. Add to that a scheduled couple of days off for surgery, and it was time to call in my mom. Mom to the rescue! First off, let me tell you how much I have missed my mother. I got so excited on Monday night when I realized it was just 24 hours before she would be there, that I almost cried. My girls love her, and having her around is just a major comfort for me; sometimes I almost feel as if I can relax and not be an adult anymore. I can slip back into the responsibilitylessness (yes, I made that up) of childhood. Of course, that's not how it happenes, but it's all mental, I think. I've just been so stressed out and totally overwhelmed, that it's just a relief and so joyous to have my mom around, if only for a couple of days.

Anyway, enough about my desire to be a kid again and not deal with life. So my mom has spent plenty of time with my kids since they were born. I have every confidence in her ability to care for them, and to know their schedule and routine to a point. But now that we live 100 miles from her, and don't see her on a daily or weekly basis, there are a lot of little things that go on from day to day that she is not familiar with. For example, I spent about 45 minutes last night getting all of Gabby's stuff ready for school, and explaining when and where the bus picks her up each day, and what she shoudl wear, etc. It seemed rediculous, but it was necessary so that my mom knew what was going on, and so that I felt confident that my daughter would get to school and home with no issues today. I also let my mom know what was in the fridge and cupboards to make for lunch and snacks, and made sure she knew my work phone number in case she needed to call. What I did leave out, stupidly assuming that it needed no explanation, was instruction on how to use the TVs and DVD players. Doh!

I have received two calls from my mom so far today. Both calls have been quesitons on how to use this electronic device, or which channel this device should be on, etc. Things that we take for advantage... that even our almost-four-year-olds know how to work, are NOT totally self-explanatory. Lesson learned.

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