Thursday, March 29, 2007

Parental Paranoia

Recently someone posted a debate on a website that I frequent regarding the paranoia of parents. If you would like to read the article, click here. Reading this article really gave me something to think about, and allowed me to examine my own parental paranoia.

I have always been very careful about making sure that my kids are under supervision at all times when they are outside. Now, granted, they are still all under the age of 4, so I think I am simply practicing good parenting. But I have always looked at those kids who roam around the neighborhood unsupervised as delinquents, and at their parents as lazy, bad parents. I have always said that my kids won't be roaming around without me until at least high school. But our desire to live somewhere where our children would be safe, and could roam around outside on their own is the EXACT reason that Rick and I moved to a small town, and far away from the city.

So, I'm thankful that someone posted that article. I think we are too paranoid, and are urged by the media, society, and other parents to be so. I won't be. I will still want to know where my children are at all times, and will exercise reasonable caution, and teach my children to do the same thing. But I will choose to let go of some of the paranoia and allow kids to be kids. I say that we all should challenge ourselves to do the same thing.

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